Tuesday 5 November 2013

6 Articles of Faith

 6 Articles of Faith in Islam

1. Belief in Only One GodIn Islam, there is only one God, Allah (S.W.T) The Supreme and Eternal, The Merciful and Compassionate, The Creator and Provider. He is the God of all beings and there is none like Him. 

2. Belief in the Books of God
Muslims must believe in all revelations sent by Allah to His Prophets that is the Taurat (Torah) to Hazrat Musa (alaihis salam)(
Moses) , the Suhuf (Scrolls) of Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salam)(Abraham), the Injeel (Gospel) to Hazrat Isa (alaihis salam) (Jesus), the Zaboor (Psalms) of Hazrat Dawood David (alaihis salam) and the Qur'an to Muhammad (Peace be upon him). But only Holy Quran is in its original form..other books have been fabricated with the passage of time.

3. Belief in God's AngelsAngels are pure and spiritually obedient beings, created by Allah to fulfill His commands and worship Him tirelessly. Muslims believe in all the angels.Several angels are mentioned by name in the Quran, with a description of their responsibilities:
  • Jibreel (Gabriel) - in charge of communicating Allah's words to His prophets
  • Israfeel (Raphael) - in charge of blowing the trumpet to mark the Day of Judgment
  • Mikail (Michael) - in charge of rainfall and sustenance
  • Munkar and Nakeer - after death, these angels will question souls in the grave about their faith and deeds
  • Malak Am-Maut (Angel of Death) - in charge of taking possession of souls after death
  • Malik - guardian of hell
  • Ridwan - guardian of heaven

4. Belief in The Prophets of God
Muslims must believe in all the Messengers and Prophets of God such as Hazrat Adam (A.S), Hazrat Nuh (A.S), Hazrat Musa (A.S), Hazrat Sulemaan (A.S), Hazrat Isa (A.S) and Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who were human beings endowed with His Revelations and appointed by God to teach mankind how to worship and obey Allah and to guide them to right path.

5. Belief in Judgement Day
The Day of Judgement and the Hereafter are essential beliefs in Islam. Life on earth is just temporary while life in the Hereafter is forever and will never end. Those who have done good deeds and obeyed Allah (S.W.T) while living on Earth will be rewarded Paradise (Jannah) but those who did  otherwise will be punished in Hell (Jahannum) accordingly.

6. Belief in God’s WillThis is derived from the Arabic phrase "Al-Qada' Wa Al-Qadar" which means "Divine Decree and Predestination". God has measured and planned out everything that happened, is happening, and will happen. In Islam, Muslims must understand that if we have a will to do something, it does not always happen, but if Allah wills, it will definitely happen. A simple example of this belief is the frequent phrase used by Muslims: "Insya Allah" which means "if God wills" with regards to a planned action.

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